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Protecting the Sanctity of Life

Writer: Valerie FosburghValerie Fosburgh

Imagine you are a young woman, and for one reason or another, you have found yourself without a place to call home. Desperate just to meet your basic needs of food and shelter, you often find yourself in awkward and sometimes dangerous situations. Now added to your stress of just trying to survive, you think you are pregnant. What would you do?

This is the situation that many of the women who come to Redeeming Life Maternity Home find themselves in. Women in crisis pregnancies often consider abortion the only viable answer to an unplanned pregnancy. When asked, they would tell you that it is not that they wouldn’t welcome the unconditional love a baby could offer them. The truth is they cannot see themselves caring for another human being when they struggle to care for themselves.

Unable to afford the cost of an over-the-counter pregnancy test, many will visit a crisis pregnancy center looking to confirm their suspicion and obtain information on how to proceed with the termination of their pregnancy. What they are ill-prepared for is that along with the pregnancy test comes the first glimpse of their baby via ultrasound. Waves of emotion pour over the young woman as the ultrasound technician gently deciphers the image on the screen. Studies have shown that over 80 percent of abortion-minded women change their minds as the reality of the baby growing deep within their womb presents itself alive and well on the ultrasound screen. It is during the next few vulnerable minutes, the crisis pregnancy counselor talks with the young woman about alternatives available to terminating her pregnancy.

One of the options the crisis pregnancy center presents is to stay at a maternity home like Redeeming Life Maternity Home. If the woman wants to explore this option, a referral is made, contact is established, and a meeting is set up with the prospective resident.

Where the local crisis pregnancy center is the first line of defense in waging the war against abortion, maternity homes like Redeeming Life pick up the ball and help women carry it across the finish line.

At Redeeming Life we are able to offer:

  1. A safe, stable place that women can call “home” (for up to 12 months) while preparing their lives to raise their child as a single mother.

  2. A Christ-centered program designed to minister to women physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

  3. Ongoing training for “life-skills” including homemaking, healthy lifestyle and food choices, employment strategies, budgeting and finances, and baby care.

  4. Transitional housing (for up to an additional 2 years) to ensure new moms are totally equipped to meet the challenges of being a single parent.

In January, churches across the nation, remember and celebrate the Sanctity of Life - from the unborn child to those spending their last days here on earth. As you reflect on these issues so close to the heart of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we ask that you remember Redeeming Life and the lives being changed through our maternity home ministry in your heart and prayers.

Redeeming Life is a Christ-centered maternity home that provides a stable environment for single women with unplanned pregnancies. Our structured program provides mentoring, counseling and life skills education to help them become independent and provide for their children as single mothers.



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