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Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries has opened it's second maternity home for single pregnant women in East Dundee, Illionis.


Applicants may apply to live in the East Dundee home here.

Important Information about the Home
  • Housing and Programming is available for pregnant women whether they choose to parent or share their baby through the gift of adoption

  • Residents live in a family-style community and gain skills in infant care, job readiness, financial literacy, and more

  • All programming is focused on helping residents to live full and independent lives

  • The home welcomes up to four women at a time and features a live-in residential manager​

  • Daily family-style meals and weekly worship will foster a strong community

  • Residents will find help securing pre and post-natal healthcare as well as behavioral health support

Pregnant woman meditating


Join us in prayer as this expansion opens and for God to provide the right people and resources at the right time. We continue to lift this home to the Lord and seek His blessing and guidance.


Help the ministry expand its reach to serve and gather more resources. Recruit individual advocates who will champion the new maternity home in their local spiritual community.


Will you consider fundraising within your church to help support this new maternity home in Northern Illinois? Please help us reach the funding goal.

Mother Holding Baby

To help support the new maternity home in

East Dundee, Illinois, donate here or mail

a gift marked "Illinois" to:


Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries

P.O. Box 1496

Sanford, FL 32772-1496

Mother and Child
Interested in hosting a fundraiser?  Get ideas here.
Crib Mobile
NID Donation
Immanuel outside.jpg


Immanuel Lutheran is under the leadership of Pastor Bill Yonker and is a thriving congregation with many opportunities for our residents to learn about Jesus and serve Him.  We believe Immanuel will make a lovely and welcoming church family.  Immanuel’s role is that of spiritual support by providing opportunities for worship and Bible study and to simply love and accept the residents as God’s children, dearly loved by Christ.

The host congregation has no operational role in the home.  Under the supervision of Sheryl DeWitt, Executive Director, Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries Inc., the home will be operated by local staff.  Financial support will come from the congregations and individuals who have a heart for preserving life through the mission and ministry of Redeeming Life’s maternity home ministry.  We encourage and invite every congregation to invest in this positive, pro-life ministry. 


Read more about the history of this expansion project and how this partnership began. 


In order to redeem the lives of vulnerable pregnant women in Chicagoland, we need local advocates all over Illinois.  Advocates are passionate about maternity home ministry and help spread the word about the new Redeeming Life maternity home in their churches, organizations and neighborhoods to reach pro-life supporters and ask for support.


Focus & Time Commitment:  Advocates are willing to attend 3 or 4 virtual meetings each year, keep their congregation informed and engaged with the maternity home, and help garner financial support for the ministry.  We have videos and materials to help local advocates build awareness, generate excitement, and share updates about this expansion project.


Please watch a 15-min presentation on Redeeming Life's Advocate Program to learn more.  If you're ready to become an Advocate or have questions about the program, please download a flyer and complete the interest form here.

Happy Artist
I'd like to become an Advocate!

Thanks for submitting!

Advocate Resources
Children Praying


Please join us in prayer for the Northern Illinois maternity home, the ministry, staff and volunteers, and the moms and babies who will be served there!


Dear Lord Jesus, you gave everything, even your life, that I might live. I Pray that you might use me to touch the lives of the most vulnerable, especially the unborn and their mothers. I ask you to bless those who minister to them.  Bless the efforts of Redeeming Life and the Northern Illinois District, its staff, Board of Directors, and volunteers as they open the maternity home in East Dundee, Illinois. Send your Spirit to build up and strengthen them so that their efforts are not in vain. Guide and direct them to the home that you have already chosen and provide all that is needed to serve those who will live there. AMEN



  • Share news and updates about Redeeming Life's maternity home expansion in Northern Illinois and the NID!  Download brochures and collateral from the links below.

  • Like and share our stories on Facebook

  • Connect us to a local pregnancy center for client referrals

  • Promote us within your church, pastoral team, small groups and LWML society

  • Invite us to participate in your life affirming events

Mother and Baby


  • Ask for a special offering in church, chapel or Sunday School or ask your members to donate online

  • Host a virtual and/or local baby bottle campaign fundraiser

  • Collect gift cards to provide food, personal hygiene items, diapers, baby supplies, and transportation to our residents

  • Request an in-the-box Angel Tree Fundraising Kit for Christmas or "Christmas in July"

  • Include us in your missions budget

  • Alert us to grants available in your church or district

  • Designate your Thrivent Choice Dollars to Redeeming Life

To give to this expansion project, donate here or mail a gift marked for "Illinois" to:


Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries

P.O. Box 1496

Sanford, FL 32772-1496



In early 2020, Redeeming Life was asked to expand its vision and open a new maternity home in the Chicagoland area.

The Life Task Force and Maternity Home Steering Committee of the Northern Illinois District (NID) along with LCEF asked to partner with Redeeming Life about opening a maternity home in the Chicagoland area.  The enthusiasm and vision of our brothers and sisters in the NID made this an ideal location to consider for our first expansion home. In order to help more at-risk women and babies, Redeeming Life expanded its vision to have a maternity home in every district of the LCMS, and Chicagoland was the place to begin.

Mother and Newborn

The new maternity home expansion project began moving quickly with a few unexpected surprises along the way.

Early in the initial plans, the NID team received word that a home was being donated to use for this project.  With the solid infrastructure of Redeeming Life's maternity home program and time-tested policies and procedures, we would be open quickly.  The donated property did not materialize, but the partnership between the two ministries did not waiver.  Redeeming Life and the NID began actively working on expansion plans to open a second maternity home in the Chicagoland area, creating partnership opportunities for congregations in the NID to preserve life through a much-needed maternity home program.

As of December 2020, we had heard from 10 NID church families who "raised their hands" as potential partners for the new maternity home.

We prayed and asked, and God provided!  By December, the RLOM Expansion Committee began working through the decision-making process to select a host congregation from ten great families.  In reality, each of the congregations has its own unique attributes and would make a great host church family.  We were overwhelmed and humbled by the all of the wonderful Pastors and congregations that have come forward and expressed their desire to become part of this expansion project.

Modern Chicago Skyline
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By February 2021, we knew that God was leading us to partner with Immanuel Lutheran Church in East Dundee.

Immanuel Lutheran is a thriving congregation with many opportunities for residents to learn about Jesus and serve Him.  Under the spiritual care of Pastor Bill Yonker, we believe that Immanuel will make a lovely and welcoming church family.  Immanuel will provide spiritual support through worship, Bible Study and instruction classes to residents, and will love and accept the residents as dearly loved children of God.

In March of 2021, the parsonage located on the property of Faith Lutheran Church was selected for the home.

In March of 2021, we selected the parsonage on the property of Faith Lutheran Church that we believed would become a lovely and suitable maternity home once renovations and updates were completed. The projected cost of the renovation was estimated at $100,000.

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Stones of Meaning

By October 2021, we had spent over seven months trying to overcome a variety of zoning issues which precluded us from purchasing the parsonage.

A capable team of professionals and experts rolled up their sleeves and spent hundreds of manhours trying to make things work.  We did our very best and, in the end, the terms were not acceptable for the long-term operation of a home in that location. 


After much prayer and many hours of discussion, we made the hard decision to pursue a different location.  Very soon after making the decision to seek another location, a new opportunity presented itself in East Dundee, closer to our host congregation. 


Please pray God’s will be done and that He guide our steps in every possible way as we consider this new location.  With His help, we will open our doors in 2024!

In April 2022, we had approval to purchase a portion of a property in East Dundee, Illinois that will serve as the new maternity home location! 

The saints at Immanuel Lutheran Church in East Dundee approved our offer to purchase a portion of their 16-acre piece of property just east of their school.  We are in the processing of entering a formal contract with Immanuel so we can apply for the various permits and permits needed to renovate and operate on the property.

Summer 2023 The Redeeming Life maternity home in East Dundee is undergoing extensive remodeling to transform this solid ranch-style house into a modern, 5 bedroom home for 4 moms and their babies and a residential manager.

Smiling Pregnant Woman

The updated floor plan utilizes space for a large kitchen and central dining area plus a welcoming communal living room. Resident bedrooms share two redesigned bathrooms and provide private sleeping quarters for each mom and her child. 


The success of this expansion project and the progress made this far would not be possible if it wasn't for our wonderful friends and the gift of their time and talents.  We thank every individual involved from the NID Life Task Force, the Maternity Home Expansion Committee, LCEF, and the entire staff of Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries.


Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.


We have achieved the Platinum Candid Seal of Transparency. A Candid Seal of Transparency indicates that a nonprofit has provided key information in its Nonprofit Profile. By providing up-to-date information, nonprofits allow potential donors and funders to make educated decisions about the work they do to make the world a better place.

To give to this expansion project, donate here or mail a gift marked for "Illinois" to:


Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries

P.O. Box 1496

Sanford, FL 32772-1496

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