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Sleeping Baby




Motivated by God’s grace, Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries seeks to reach out with the love of Christ to support single expectant and postpartum mothers. We do this by providing a safe and stable home.   The women have opportunities for growth in their relationship with their Savior, as well as career, parenting, and life skills education.


We are a pro-life ministry. We support our mothers whether they choose to place their baby for adoption or to parent. Either way, we walk alongside them in their journey.  Every woman who calls Redeeming Life home will find help, love, and support.



Our Goal

Our goal is to ensure our mothers and their children live happy, healthy, hope-filled lives rooted in Christ.


Our Heart

We share the love and hope that is in Christ, the true Redeemer of life, with our mothers and babies.


Our Program

We provide a safe, family home with one-on-one mentoring to equip our mothers with critical life skills for their future independence. 

Our Mision


Our team consists of a diverse group of nurturers, educators and leaders who are passionate about the miracle of life, motherhood and living a Christ-centered life. We are committed to providing love, hope and a future to our residents and their unborn children.

Our Loving Staff

Sheryl DeWitt





Program Ministries | FL

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Mission Advancement

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Program Manager


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Mission Advancement Manager

Valerie Fosburgh



Our Board of Directors

President & Chairman of the Board

Rev. Edward J. DeWitt



Katie DeWitt


Members at Large

Joe Brooks

Steve Kennedy

Lora Mason

Leah Wrobleski

Kelly Trickey

Doug Doudney

Dear Children,

Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

1 John 3:18


Interested in working with us?

Visit our careers page.

Our Team


It was in 1992 that Pastor (then seminarian) DeWitt and his wife Sheryl attended a Lutherans for Life event in St. Louis.  The information regarding the brutality of abortion and the number of abortions performed annually was heart wrenching.  What stood out to the DeWitt’s was the desperation a mother must feel to choose to kill her own child. 


That evening the dream of what would become Redeeming Life Maternity Home was conceived.  They dreamed of a place where single pregnant women would find forgiveness in the love of Christ rather than the judgment and shame that they so often feel, even from their families. 


Time passed, but the dream never died.  In 2008, Pastor DeWitt was called to serve a small congregation in Sanford, Florida.  The next year their unwed daughter, Katie, returned home from college pregnant. Having to announce her pregnancy to her father and mother, she understood the overwhelming temptation so many women face: one secret procedure and all the judgement, shame, and responsibility go away.  


One Sunday morning after worship, Katie shared the news with her entire church family at Redeemer. Knowing the forgiveness of Jesus, she asked the congregation for their love and support for herself and her soon to be born son. The church’s love and support were overwhelming.  It was obvious to the DeWitt’s that God was beginning to bring to life what was for so long just a dream.


Katie graduated from college and soon secured a full-time, corporate job. She went on to complete a Master's degree and purchase a home. Her education and the support from her church and family have allowed her and her son, born and baptized January 2010, to thrive. These are the founding principles of Redeeming Life Maternity Home – faith, family, and education.  These are advantages so many single mothers do not have and so desperately need.


In 2010 Pastor, Sheryl and Katie DeWitt presented to the congregation at Redeemer their vision of a home where single pregnant women in crisis would find a family that loves them and opportunities to support themselves and their children all wrapped in the love of Jesus, the true Redeemer of Life.  Just as they had with Katie and her son, the congregation poured out its love and support. A few weeks later, an unsolicited check for $10,000 was delivered to the church for the maternity home.  The time was now right to begin the ministry. 


Opening in 2013, the dream is now a reality as Redeeming Life supports mothers who choose life for their babies.

Our History


Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.


We have achieved the Platinum Candid Seal of Transparency. A Candid Seal of Transparency indicates that a nonprofit has provided key information in its Nonprofit Profile. By providing up-to-date information, nonprofits allow potential donors and funders to make educated decisions about the work they do to make the world a better place.

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